The Internet of Behavior: Shaping the Future of Data-Driven Insights

Published on 13 Jul, 2023

Today’s interconnected world has given companies access to an immense amount of data. This data can be used to predict human behavior, possible outcomes to a certain situation, general behavioral patterns, and design offerings accordingly. This process is called Internet of Behavior (IoB) and can be used in various fields such as marketing, healthcare, insurance, and even policy making.

In this digitally connected world, millions of devices are seamlessly interconnected, generating an enormous volume of data. This has paved the way for the emergence of an innovative concept called the Internet of Behavior (IoB). By combining data analysis, behavioral analysis, technology, and human psychology, IoB offers the potential to predict, understand, and even influence human behavior based on individual interactions and preferences.

IoB has the ability to recognize and track the requirements, wants, and desires of consumers and non-consumers even when they are offline based on their past record. This has led to intense competition among businesses vying to serve the customer first.

How Does IoB Work?

The process

  1. Data collection: IoB begins with the collection of a vast amount of data from various sources. This may include social media platforms, mobile applications, wearable devices, IoT sensors, and other digital touchpoints. Data is collected through user interactions, online activities, and real-world behavior, which captures both explicit and implicit information.
  2. Data analysis technology: Sophisticated technologies are employed to analyze the collected data. These technologies include artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data mining, natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision. Advanced algorithms and models are used to process and extract meaningful insights from raw data.
  3. Human psychology: With the aid of data analysis technology, patterns, correlations, and behavioral trends are identified to gain insights into human psychology. This involves analyzing user preferences, emotions, decision-making processes, and other psychological factors that influence behavior.
  4. Customer profile: Based on the gathered insights, customer profiles are created. These profiles are comprehensive representations of individuals or groups, capturing their behaviors, preferences, interests, and demographics. These help identify the correct target audiences and segment them for personalized marketing and engagement strategies.
  5. Predictions: Using customer profiles as a foundation, predictive analytics techniques are applied to make informed forecasts about future behavior and actions of consumers. These predictions can range from recommending personalized content, products, or services to anticipating customer churn, identifying potential upsell opportunities, and optimizing user experiences.

Applications of IoB

IoB is revolutionizing businesses and processes. Industries undergoing an evolution due to IoB include the following:

  1. Marketing - The IoB has revolutionized the field of digital marketing and communications. By analyzing consumer behavior, preferences, and interactions, companies tailor their marketing strategies to individual customers. By understanding their customers better, they deliver personalized experiences, offer relevant recommendations, and create targeted advertisements. This level of personalization increases customer engagement and satisfaction, ultimately driving sales.
  2. Healthcare - The IoB has immense potential in the healthcare sector. By analyzing patient data and tracking their symptoms in real time, healthcare providers can give quick and relevant treatments. They can also use the data to analyze individual health patterns, adherence to treatment plans, and lifestyle choices. Caregivers can develop personalized healthcare interventions, enhance patient outcomes, and even prevent certain health issues through proactive measures.
  3. Policy making - Governments and policymakers can leverage the IoB to gather real-time data and insights to make informed decisions. By analyzing behavior patterns, social interactions, and public sentiment, policymakers can create correct regulations and understand the impact of their policies. This data-driven approach enables the formulation of evidence-based policies that align with the needs and expectations of the population, leading to more effective governance.
  4. Insurance - Insurers can utilize IoB to assess risk profiles more accurately and offer personalized insurance plans. By analyzing behavioral data, such as driving habits, lifestyle choices, and health metrics, insurers can customize premiums and coverage based on individual risk factors. This promotes fairness, incentivizes healthy behavior, and reduces insurance fraud, ultimately benefiting both insurers and policyholders.

Startups in IoB

Startups making waves in various segments include the following:

  • Sweet Analytics – Based in the UK, Sweet Analytics creates a platform for consumer analytics and business growth. The platform uses client data and examines user behavior through AI and machine learning to help create targeted marketing campaigns. Additionally, it interacts with Shopify and other e-commerce systems to get updated data. As a result, marketing campaigns are more successful and efficient, and customer engagement and loyalty are enhanced.
  • Cookie3 - An Estonian startup, Cookie3 provides on-chain behavior analytics. It aggregates and analyzes data on non-fungible tokens (NFTs), smart contracts, and tokens across blockchains to interpret user behavior using AI and ML. It provides Metaverse and Web3 companies insights on customer behavior based on their wallet history. Therefore, companies can ensure better advertisement targeting and client segmentation while driving forecasts.
  • Populi - A US-based firm called Populi supports patient and consumer marketing. To improve targeting and acquisition methods and enforce data compliance, the startup's solution combines clinical, demographic, and socioeconomic data. In addition to enabling them to connect digital media to healthcare transactions, it helps healthcare organizations enhance patient segmentation and improve customer relationship management (CRM). It also aids in creating effective acquisition strategies while enforcing data compliance.
  • DYNE Technologies - A Canadian startup, DYNE Technologies provides restaurants with customer sentiment research. The startup's AI assistant monitors customer reviews to automatically determine their attitude. Through a dashboard, it also analyzes revenue trends and offers revenue estimates. The virtual assistant is used by restaurants to dynamically price meals based on demand and develop loyalty programs to increase off-peak visitation.
  • LogSentinel - A Dutch business called LogSentinel offers a security detection and response solution for government organizations. To identify threats and analyze user behavior and risk profiles, it uses rule-based and machine-learning-based anomaly detection on various data sources. To quickly identify threats, the system also automatically subscribes to threat intelligence sources. This reduces the need for audit, forensics, and fraud detection while enabling government institutions to guard against internal and external threats.


The potential of IoB is vast and continues to expand as technology advances. As more devices become interconnected and generate significant data, it will become even more powerful. However, as with any technology that deals with personal data, privacy and ethical concerns must be carefully addressed to ensure the responsible use of IoB insights. It is crucial to strike a balance between harnessing the power of IoB and safeguarding individual privacy, ensuring this technology remains a force of positive change in our increasingly interconnected world.